- Views the results of solutions obtained from any kind of mesh, one of whom is TECPLOT.
- Creates new solution variables from the equations consisting of user-defined constants and variables.
- Draws surface contour lines that are colorized in one color or value based.
- Draws volume contour surfaces that are colorized in one color or value based.
- Hides the contours of undesired values.
- Extracts the elements of mesh depending on contours.
- Draws the vectors of physical properties, which are colorized in one color or value based.
- Provides graphical representations of the functions and data information, which can be exported in vectorial formats (ps, pdf, svg, dxf).
- Manages 2D drawings in user demands and commits them to paper.
- Makes data extraction and draws its interchange graphics.
- Digitizes the pictures.
- Makes data extraction and draws its interchange graphics.
- Obtains the force distribution from calculated pressure values, which can be drawn and exported.
- Makes data extraction and draws its interchange graphics.
- Allows mesh deformation and displacement.