MESHedaTM (Mesh Generation Module)
MESHedaTM Major Features
- 3D Unstructured Mesh Generator
- Parametric unstructured mesh generation
- Surface re-meshing by quality mesh generation
- 3D Structured Mesh Generator
- Algebraic Mesh generation
- Controllable Elliptic mesh generation (attraction and contraction by Poisson equation)
- 3D Prismatic Mesh Generator by Advancing Layer method
- Tetrahedral, wedge, hexahedral elements
- Imports and exports meshes in widely used formats such as STL, TECPLOT, FLUENT, GAMBIT, FASTRAN, I-DEAS UNV, MEDIT, Vgrid3D
- Imports / exports / generates tetrahedral, hexahedral, wedge type, pyramidal, quadrilateral, triangular, line elements & nonlinear FEM elements
- Can save detailed mesh data structure in a CAEedaTM edf file
- Generates mesh on parametric surfaces using patches of the CAD model
- Generates mesh from given point cloud
- Can smooth, coarse, refine and qualify surface and volume mesh without damaging the model geometry
- Generates volume mesh from surface mesh by extruding or rotating
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Figure 1. Unstructured volume mesh patching (Automated mesh blanking and filling) |
Figure 2. Meshing for store separation |
- Has dynamic clipping and “show selection only” features to examine inner details of complex meshes
- Can translate, rotate and take the symmetry of the models
- Can generate qualified unstructured mesh by means of comprehensive mesh control utilities by defining variable global and local element lengths, inserting extra nodes automatically, using control points, control lines, and background mesh
- Can perform merge, scale, delete, copy and regenerate the mesh operations
- Can renumber the entire mesh with respect to surface normal vectors or bandwidth optimization
- Can confirm the entire mesh with respect to moving boundaries using dynamic mesh deforming algorithm
- Can automatically adapt the mesh locally or globally with respect to solution by enriching, refining, coarsening, attracting and contracting nodes
- Can work with other solvers synchronously
- Can generate boundary layer mesh which includes tetrahedral, hexahedral or wedge type elements using “Advancing Layer Method”
- Reports necessary mesh quality information statistically or lists; saves and highlights mesh components (volume, surface, line elements and nodes) which do not obey predefined quality criteria like length, area, volume, aspect ratio, stretch, skewness, distortion, etc.
- Finds and corrects automatically coincident nodes, free edges and faces, direction of normal vectors of surface elements
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Figure 3. Unstructured mesh generated around an aircraft by using Delaunay and Advancing Layer methods |